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Pigments and Tattoos

Because flawless skin is your choice.

Over the course of our lives, UV exposure leaves sunspots on highly exposed parts of the body such as the face, décolletage, forearms and the back of the hands. This pigmentation can make the skin look distressed and older than its biological age.

Hormones also trigger pigment changes, which, in the case of melasma, often spread throughout the face. We can remove this pigmentation with the Ruby laser, which also works effectively and gently against tattoos.

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How does the pigment laser work and does it also remove tattoo pigments?

Darker and green color pigments absorb the laser wavelength of 694 nm excellently. The energy fragments the trapped color particles in the connective tissue. The skin and the lymphatic system then break down the particles. Immediately after laser treatment, the treated spots look darker for a short time and then heal with fine greyish scabs. In older, raised age spots, we can remove the upper skin layers with an ablative Erbium YAG laser.

Is the treatment painful?

Usually yes. Only in individual cases do we work with superficial anaesthesia.

Does the treatment need to be repeated?

We usually effectively remove sun and age spots with one or two treatments. Tattoos require six to eight sessions. In between treatments, the skin should be given the opportunity to regenerate.

What does one look like after the treatment?

The irradiated part of the skin appears white for 10 to 20 minutes immediately after the treatment. A light scab will then form for about one to two weeks. We prescribe a rich anti-inflammatory moisturising cream which should be used until the scab naturally falls off.

What should be considered before the treatment?

The skin should be tanned as little as possible.

What is important after the treatment?

The skin should not be exposed to UV radiation for up to six weeks after the treatment. Due to an increased sensitivity to light, there is a risk that pigment changes may occur that cannot be corrected. Directly after the treatment, redness and swelling are not unusual, but cooling packs will help. The resulting scabs, some of which may be more intensely pigmented, peel off after a few days. For optimal results, the skin’s own healing process should not be interfered with.

Wir setzen auf die neueste Technologie.
The Q-Plus series laser is based on powerful Q-Switched laser technology, which ensures great versatility in applications. Treatment of multicolor tattoos and benign pigment spots can be performed as well as permanent hair removal, sclerotherapy of benign vessels and removal and treatment of age spots.

The Q-Switched mode with very short pulses delivers very high peak power and enables a highly efficient photoacoustic effect, a reduction in thermal interaction with tissue. As a result, the unwanted tattoos and natural pigments from the skin are fragmented into small particles, which are removed by the process of phagocytosis.
Optipulse mode increases energy emission by 50% and decreases optical absorption power by 20%. This reduces temporary post-treatment purpura and the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Flat Top Optibeam technology
The laser beam profile must be as homogeneous as possible, otherwise longer healing time and side effects may occur. OPTIBEAM® handpieces are able to distribute the laser power homogeneously over the entire spot size.

Q-Switched with Short/Long Pulsed Lasers
The Short- and Long-Pulsed add-on modules enable effective performance of permanent hair removal, sclerotherapy of benign vessels and treatment of aged and pigmented skin.

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